Thursday 22 January 2015

NARUKO Dermalane Intensive Brightening Renewal Treatment Mandelic Acid 20% review

I have tested NARUKO Dermalane Intensive Brightening Renewal Treatment Mandelic Acid 20% and now want to write some review for this. I bought from beautystall cost me about rm89, instruction is to use it 2-3 times per week and only apply on affected area cause the concentration is 20%. However, i had used it everyday and apply tiny dots and spread it all over face. I have serious pores and scars on my face, after use it for 1 week, i can see my pores minimize and reduce on pigmentation. You can feel your face smoother and fairer.
After used for 3 weeks, the effectiveness on my skin start slower, even thought pores minimize but i still can clearly see and some scars still can't be removed. :(
I will continue search for products that can improved my skin significantly (I had spent a lot of money to improve it indeed, just not yet try those expensive products). 



Since this is my 1st post i must find some good and nice things to write. :)
I went to Publika to capture all these cute pandas, Publika is the last station and these pandas will be stay at here until 25th January 2015 (open time: 10am till 10pm). **Entry is free :)
This event is to increase awareness on animal welfare and environmental conservation. These 1600 pandas is made by recycled paper (**amazing**)
Here goes some photos (i didn’t capture much photos as there are crowded of ppl during weekend)